Monday, December 22, 2008

Beware of the Bystander Effect

Every psychology student knows about this phenomenon: In a given situation where an observer sees someone else in need or in danger, he or she less likely to come to the person's aid if there are other people around.

It sounds shocking, but many experiments have confirmed the validity of the Bystander Effect. Social Psychologists have two main explanations for this behavior: 1) The observer assumes that, since there are others around, someone else must have called for help already, so the observer him/herself needn't bother and 2) the observer assumes that the situation must not be very severe, since no one else has done anything about it.

In many cases, both of the above assumptions are wrongly presupposed, and the person in need remains in need. As a matter of fact, that person is actually MORE likely to get help if FEWER bystanders are around!

I was reminded today that I need to be more aware of my susceptibility to the Bystander Effect. There are people in need all around me, and I brush them off, assuming that they've been offered plenty of help and have rejected it, or that some social welfare organization will step in and take care of everything. For months, these assumptions justified my apathy, and one conversation today completely exposed me to their falsity.*

As Christians, it is our duty to defend and protect the weak and the poor. And that being said, as Christians, we need to be wary of the Bystander Effect. Don't let it blind you, and don't let it inhibit you from doing God's work. Never assume!

The good thing about the Bystander Effect is that it doesn't take much to stop it from running its full course. All you have to do is approach the person in need and ask if you could help them. And if you're lucky** (like I am), you'll have good brothers and sisters in Christ around you who are willing to help, too.


*Have you ever been utterly amazed, after being proven wrong, how completely, astoundingly WRONG you actually WERE? Well, that's how I felt today. It was as if lies and untruth had somehow crept their way into my head and settled there without my really noticing. Scary how that can happen!

**or blessed, rather...

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