Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Brotherhood of Man

This song by The Innocence Mission* has been haunting me:

In a time where so much mistrust has been fostered between nations, religious groups, and between people and their governments, in a economic system designed to promote the survival of the fittest of the fit, and within the Church where individuals are feeling increasingly isolated--let's get some "brotherhood" going.


*I first heard it as part of the soundtrack to the short film, "Weathered," directed by Matt Barber and Matthew S. Webb. Great movie, if you ever get the chance to see it.


  1. ooh, "weathered" is phenomenal! i went with my roommate to the premiere. i don't think i've ever liked a short film so much.

    i liked the "brotherhood" feel in the inauguration speech and benediction -- the sense that yes, we're looking out for the well-being of americans, but we're also looking out for the well-being of the world. i've never seen such inclusive language in a political speech.

  2. yes! i definitely had the inauguration speech in mind while i was writing this. in the coming years, i think people are going to be challenged and inspired to take this world into their own hands and make it better. that's my hope, anyway.
